Monday, 20 June 2011

The Good, the Bad, and the Meh

I’ve been pondering what contributes to make a good day. Those days when everything just seems to go swimmingly. You wake up without an alarm, so alert from the most invigorating night’s sleep that you spring out of bed (or even the top bunk of the bunk bed). This is the definite start to a good day you tell yourself. Everyone and everything in the world is trying extra hard to make you happy. Seat on the bus? Don’t mind if I do! Agoraphobic old lady crossing the street? I can walk you home! Jehovah’s Witnesses outside of work? I’d love to talk to you! Today is a good day. They’re playing your favourite songs on the radio, or you’re singing them to yourself. Even that annoying receptionist, who wants to initiate conversation whilst you’re on your way to the toilet, seems like she has a particularly enthralling story about the weather today. Yes you have time for everyone, because today, you are in a good mood, and nothing can go wrong.

At the other end of the spectrum is the bad day. I won’t go into the diverse details of the bad day sufficient to say that on a bad day, the alarm isn’t going off either, but this time you’re falling out of bed, and trying to find clothes that don’t need ironing. You left your iPod at home. The old lady isn’t crossing the street but has wet herself on your bus seat. There’s no Jehovah’s Witnesses, they’ve been replaced by co-workers who would like to discuss the evolution of the Emmerdale storyline. And the receptionist is still trying to talk to you as you are doing the wee-wee dance. In fact there is probably some secret conspiracy against you today. It might be governmental or potentially global; we can’t tell at this stage, all we know is it’s is a bad day.

Then of course there are the ‘meh’ days, a collective of good and bad aspects where nothing stands out. The ‘meh’ day can equally be called the non-day. The day were nothing of interest transpires. New album uploaded on Facebook? What a perfect solution to a non-day that will happily consume 2 of my non-hours. Approximately 8 hours for sleeping that leaves 14 non-hours to fill. Meh.

Anyway so I’ve discovered no simple solution to solve the problem of the bad and meh days, other than they make the good days a little more cherished and sweeter. So if today is a bad or meh day for you, don’t worry a good day is on its way. You can even try and force a good day; feigned exaggerated happiness works wonders to eventually put me in a good mood. You should try it sometime.

1 comment:

  1. i must argue that forgetting headphones, when you have your ipod right with you in your pocket is considerably worse.
    but i do agree with you in that we have a choice to make a day, any day, a good day. ok, crap happens, but on those days that are either, it's about overcoming those first initial lazy or 'meh' moments and forcing ourselves to make something good out of it. after that, it happens easily.
    i hope that's not just coming out as words, but actually making a little bit of sense..
