Monday, 19 December 2011

Creating for Christmas

'Tis the Season. It's that time of the year again. The season generally begins with my overexcitement to whip out the jumpers and wrap myself in whatever woollen scarf was in last year's January sales. At some point I get the irresistible urge to to bake some homemade mince pies, and usually end up microwaving Mr Kipling's finest instead. I have never been one for the commercialism of Christmas, and I'm certain I'm not alone. I'm all for giving gifts with genuine thought and attention, but the deliberation of selecting gift vouchers requires little more than placing money in a actuality most people would prefer the money. Forget the whole "they thought about where I like to shop" argument. Gift-vouchers are lazy, they expire, and no one is really happy receiving them. 

"Oh lovely, gift-vouchers for [insert shop name you rarely go to], I saw a lovely coat/jeans/bag [delete as appropriate] last week. I think I'll buy it now", (Since I have to spend these before they are forgotten in a drawer somewhere).

Needless to say gift-vouchers rarely cover the full cost of purchases and the receiver ends up paying the difference to make sure they get their 'monies worth'. Gift-voucher giving? Don't do it! If you're really stuck for ideas you can always give your special someone the special coloured paper with the smiling old lady with the crown. Make sure you wrap it up nicely; you wouldn't want it getting cold.

I understand the pleasantries involved in gift-giving and -receiving but often I'm left thinking what the point is. Quite frequently I resolve to not buy presents, and this year is no exception, My memo went like this...of sorts: Family, this year I am not buying gifts. Please act reciprocally to avoid awkwardness on Christmas day. Yet no-one believes me. They haven't yet succumbed to the fact that I'm a total Scrooge. Well not completely. I'm so poor that instead of buying gifts I am making gifts. Now, now quiet down, no need for cheers and applause. I know you are all thinking what a fantastic idea! Some of you may even be recollecting how you've previously decided to make gifts but never got around to it. The idea has been in my cost-cutting, money-saving brain for all too many years. Even way back to when I was 9 and made my older brother a Lion King box to keep his 'stuff' in I have been the creating for Christmas type. I probably laboured for one maybe two hours delicately cutting, gluing, and painting with my honed 9-year old artistic skills. It was a masterpiece to behold...unfortunately he didn't think so and it was swiftly forgotten. To be quite honest I may have only just recovered from the rejection, and lo and behold I'm manufacturing works of ......something again.

I was apparently deceived by my previous creative experiences and this labour of love didn't take an hour or two, but ten! But you have to admit it looks pretty amazing, considering I made it all by myself...well the origami stars and the woven band, I didn't blow the glass or shape the metalwork.

Hopefully my sister will be more appreciative of my skills, and since I won't be there to see her open it she'll have time to think of some 'lovely' things to say about where she will put it and such like. I'm sure you will all agree it's much nicer than a gift-voucher...although I'm now wondering where the other 5 siblings shop.


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