Tuesday 2 November 2010

Being Average

I thought writing this blog would be so easy. I remember having loads of creative ideas, witty remarks, and funny stories to entertain the masses with. Well that was a week ago, and now it seems I have writer’s block on my second entry. Perhaps the only explanation is that my life is just not interesting enough. Such a shame as I thought these entries might possibly promote me to Z-list celeb status, the kind that those guitar-playing, song-singing young-uns experience from posting a couple of videos on YouTube. Maybe that’s my big mistake. People want to be entertained, made to laugh, smile, and cry, (If only for 2 minutes 53 seconds). Since I don’t play any instrument well, perhaps I will have to resign myself to a life of quiet decoration of office cubicles, for apparently I’m just not lime-light material, or to use the vernacular, I just don’t have the X-Factor. Apparently I’m just normal, or more correctly average. Yes like the other 99.999% of the world (this figure may not be statistically correct, and I don’t even presume to make references), I am average. Hooray for average people everywhere though. Average people who are the hamsters turning the wheels of the world. Hooray for the average people who provide food for our tables, water in our pipes, electricity in our cables, and quirky pictures from our travels. Average often equates to boring, lucklustre, or indeed both, but for now lets celebrate average-ness in all it's glory. For those of us everywhere, hooray and three cheers for being just, well, average.

1 comment:

  1. you are definitely not average. and don't worry about the writer's block. my first month of blogging was pretty hard and i still get writer's block. it's really just practice. you'll be great. :)
