Tuesday, 31 July 2012


Oh my,
It's July,
I haven't written anything...sigh,
So for good measure,
And your viewing pleasure,
Here's a picture of a treasure.

The wonders of social media have brought this modern marvel to my attention, so I am sharing its beauty with the rest of the uneducated. The contraption above is nothing more than a drinks dispenser. Wait though before you stop reading...assuming you read and don't just look at the photos I post, (which wouldn't be advisable since this blog is pretty picture-anaemic), this mechanical mixologist can produce no less than 100 flavours of sugary goodness, or sugarless goodness if you're so inclined, and none of the small talk. Blandly named the Coca-Cola Freestyle (Marketing must have spent ages on that one), you can find them in Burger King across the whole of.....17 stores in Greater London. To ensure you locate your nearest one post haste I will leave you with this trinket...Peach Sprite!!!!.......I say no more.

(DISCLAIMER: I in no way endorse eating anything from the restaurant itself...if indeed it can be called such. Though I am partial to a Whopper...it's the tomato that does it for me)


  1. 'Tis September and fallen flake of golden leaf
    chilled doth tumble down from azure sky
    raising heavenward the question, “What Autumn thief
    holds ransom thy words since warm July?”

  2. I can't believe I haven't noticed this until now. I love you mystery commenter...well your beautiful poetry anyway.
